Another Life

by Derek Webb,
published on

1-Act Drama (2F. 2M with doubling) Running time: 45 mins

The end scene from Model Box Productions' award-winning performance of Another Life - December 2017

Mary has cancer and knows she only has a limited time to live. For her, travelling to Switzerland to end her life with dignity is the only way.

Her husband and friends are as supportive as they can be, but Mary is pragmatic and realistic about her decision.

With touches of wry humour, the play ultimately is a celebration of a life.

The play has won several awards for Best Play, Best Actress and Best Director.


Mary: 50/60s – suffering from cancer, but outwardly quite fit.
Douglas: 50/60s – her husband
Jonathan: 20/30s –Young vicar
Joyce: 50/60s family friend
Counsellor 1: Can be doubled with Jonathan
Counsellor 2: Can be doubled with Joyce


For a free downloadable pdf copy of the script for evaluation purposes, and details of performing rights, click here: Stagescripts