
by Derek Webb,
published on

1-act comedy (3F, 1M) Running time approx 45 mins

We live in a celebrity-obsessed society. So, when minor-celebrities measure their success on how many times they have appeared on a reality TV show and how often they are recognised in the street, what must it be like for them to lose their looks overnight? 

In Celebulite, we meet Victoria Ingram-Brown - who wakes up one morning to discover she has aged 20 years - and Russell, who has put on five stone. Both turn up at their agents, Hobson Associates, to discover that he has moved offices and the cleaner, Katherine, can't (or won't) provide any information.

Their frustration and anger builds as they contemplate what their futures will be now that their appearance has so radically changed. For Victoria it is devastating, while Russell is slightly more philosophical.

But everything changes again when Margery, Harry Hobson's PA, arrives on the scene. Is something altogether more sinister happening, or is this reality TV gone mad? Celebulite examines the cult of the celebrity in a witty yet thought-provoking way. 


VICTORIA - Appears to be middle-aged, yet still attractive woman who believes herself to be only 25.

RUSSELL - Late 20s to early 30s, looking overweight, but claims to be five stones lighter than he appears.

KATHERINE - 20s to 50s, woman cleaner - a 'job's worth' who won't stand any nonsense. Definitely working class, and proud of it.

MARGERY - 30s to 50s, PA to the owner of Hobson Associates. Calm, professional, a bit scary probably.

Celebulite was first performed on 25th April 2008 at the Torch Theatre, Milford Haven. The cast was as follows: Victoria Ingram-Brown: Jackie McCoan; Katherine: Maggie Blumsen; Russell: Roger Leese; Margery: Julie Muckleston

"A thought-provoking and very funny piece of theatre." South Wales Evening Post - theatre review.


For a free downloadable pdf copy of the script for evaluation purposes, and details of performing rights, email info@derekwebb.co.uk putting the title required in the subject line.

See stills from this play performed by Talespinners Theatre Company in the 'Photo Gallery'

See a short video extract from 'Celebulite' here: Celebulite video extract