Gallery: CCTV

Derek Webb,

A selection of pics from various productions of CCTV:  

Gallery: Another Life

Derek Webb,

Model Box Productions performance of Another Life with Pauline Greer who won Best Actress Awards for her performance and the play itself won the Best…

Gallery: Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall Murders

Derek Webb,

A selection of pics from various productions of Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall MurdersTWYFORD ADSAYR FORT PLAYERSABBEY COMMUNITY THEATREHall Green Little Theatre production of…

Gallery: Agatha Crusty and the Murder Mystery Dinner

Derek Webb,

ST MARTINS PLAYERSSanta Clara US premiere of Agatha Crusty and the Murder Mystery Dinner. Photo: Steve Stubbs

Gallery: Agatha Crusty and the Health Spa Murders

Derek Webb,

Santa Clara Players production of Agatha Crusty and the Heatlth Spa Murders October 2017.  Photo: Steve Stubbs

Gallery: 1-Act Comedies

Derek Webb,

Waiting for GordonFluellen Theatre production of 'Roy Brown: Reclaiming Stonhendge' (originally titled 'Bringing Back the Bluestones')Original Fluellen Theatre production of 'Roy Brown: Untitled'Roy admires his…