Roy Brown: Reclaiming Stonehenge

by Derek Webb,
published on

Full Length comedy (5F, 3M, 3F or M) Running time: 100 minutes

When Roy Brown started a campaign to have the Stonehenge bluestones returned to Wales, he didn't expect to attract quite so much national fervour, nor the unwanted attention of irate druids, intent on ritual sacrifices.

If Scotland can get back the Stone of Scone, Greece wants the Elgin marbles back and India wants its Koh-i-noor diamond, why shouldn't Wales have Stonehenge back? Inspired during a walk in Pembrokeshire's Preseli Hills, Roy Brown forms Carreg Las (Welsh for 'Blue Stone') and sets about trying to enlist the support of members of the Welsh Assembly with little success.

But when a local eco-community is about to be evicted, Roy uses the resulting media coverage as a platform for his own campaign. The campaign soon gathers momentum as stunts such as blocking the Severn Bridge with camper vans are staged. Roy even gets a local theme park to sponsor the removal of Stonehenge back to Pembrokeshire. They can see distinct possibilities of the attraction, especially when coupled to a new white-knuckle ride... Everything appears to be going well until Roy starts receiving more mail, some of which appears to be from irate Druids who remind him in no uncertain terms of Stonehenge's association with sacrifices, and how he could be instrumental in revitalising the ritual... Rattled, Roy quickly backtracks and persuades the other members of Carreg Las that it would be a far better idea to create a replica Stonehenge instead. They set to work, and then an American turns up who's interested in exporting the stones across the Atlantic... For Roy, this is one opportunity not to be missed.

The rewritten 'Bringing Back the Bluestones' performed by Fluellen Theatre Company played to full houses in a recent run in Pembrokeshire
For a free downloadable evaluation script and details of performing rights, click here:


The play starts with Roy and his friend Emma walking the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire. Emma points out one stone with astrological powers and tells Roy about the history of the area and its association with Stonehenge. The idea begins to take shape in Roy’s mind of starting a campaign to have the bluestones returned to their rightful place in Wales. He forms Carreg Glas and the group starts by trying to enlist the support of members of the Welsh Assembly with little success.

Another of Roy’s friends, Jane, knows many members of a local eco-community who are about to be evicted. Roy turns up to help and during an interview with a local newspaper makes his case for bringing back the bluestones from Wiltshire.

This results in more support for his ‘cause’ and the newly enlarged Carreg Glas stages a protest by blocking the Severn crossing and Severn bridge with camper vans which causes great media interest.

In particular, the owner of a local theme park offers to sponsor the removal of Stonehenge back to Pembrokeshire. He can see distinct possibilities of the attraction, especially when coupled to a new white-knuckle ride…

Everything appears to be going well until Roy starts receiving more mail, some of which appears to be from irate Druids who remind him in no uncertain terms of Stonehenge’s association with sacrifices, and how he could be instrumental in revitalising the ritual.

Rattled, Roy quickly backtracks and persuades the other members of Carreg Glas that it would be a far better idea to create a replica Stonehenge instead. They set to work, and then an American turns up who’s interested in exporting the stones across the Atlantic…

Characters (in order of appearance)

Emma: (F 30s – 40s) an earnest friend of Roy’s, very interested in local history and archaeology – steady, pragmatic

Roy: (M 30s- 40s) the founder of Carreg Las, likeable and always willing to trumpet some cause or other, but often with his own self-interest in mind, but likeable, Estuary-type

Jane: (F 20s – 40s) friend of Roy’s who also enjoys getting involved with ‘causes’ and throws herself into them – bright, enthusiastic, motivated

Rhys: (M 20s – 40s) another friend of Roy’s, similar to Jane quiet, dependable, but dedicated

Sian: (F 20s – 40s) lives in an eco-community in Pembrokeshire with other like-minded souls: earnest, dedicated

Sheila: (F 50s - 60s) Mother Earth type – would have been a Hippy first time around

Sean: (M 20s – 30s) another eco-community member

Police Officer: (M/F 30s – 50s) a typical ‘only doing his job’ police officer

Reporter: (M/F 20s-30s) young, eager newspaper reporter

Morwena: (F 40s - 60s) psychic and more than a bit wierd

Motorist: (F 40s - 60s) Irate woman

Radio Announcer: (M/F) Pre-recorded

American: (M 40s - 60s) loud, brash American owner of shopping malls

Evaluating and performing

For a free evaluation copy, click here:

NOTE: This is revised version of the play originally titled: 'Bringing Back the Bluestones'. A 1-Act version is also available.

A spoof achieves national notoriety

As part of the pre-publicity, a spoof website was set up for the group, with their demand to return Stonehendge to Wales. Wales' national newspaper - the Western Mail - picked up the story and it featured in a half page colour article and mentioned in the main editorial! Bringing Back the Bluestones opened in October 2002 in Pembrokeshire, after nationwide publicity!