The Invisible Man

by Derek Webb,
published on

Andrew Lennon, Stefan Pejic and James Scannell in the original production

Full Length Comedy 3m.  Running Time: 2 hours 15 minutes 

The thought of invisibility – and the advantages it could bring to someone – is one which has captured the imagination of millions since the classic HG Wells’ story was first published in 1897. 'The Invisible Man' has been adapted many times for the screen, but rarely for the stage. This brand new, fast-moving, very funny adaptation has all parts from a vicar, to a pub landlady to a tramp and to the Invisible Man himself - fifteen characters in total - played by just three actors, and that, in itself, is the source of a great deal of fun.

It is obvious that they are aware of their quick-changing roles – and the audience is

let in on the joke too – which gives rise to some very funny moments. The thought of invisibility also gives rise to plenty of visual gags with characters – and audience – being invited to imagine objects that patently aren’t visible.

But, while injecting a great deal of humour, the adaptation keeps broadly with the plot of the original book and retains some key points that Wells makes; the novel highlights some of the economic and political problems that preoccupied him throughout his career. And many are still relevant and resonate today. For example, the Invisible Man uses his invisibility to steal money from banks – from the ‘faceless’ bankers who themselves move money invisibly. In our age of offshore banking and all sorts of money-laundering schemes, we hardly need to be reminded that the circulation of money can be mysterious even without a literally invisible man behind it. 

It was certainly enormously enjoyed by audiences who came to see the original tour. Her's just one example: "We came to see The Invisible Man in Monmouth and just wanted to say what a cracking job you did of it, I can't remember laughing so much during a play. James Scannell, Andrew Lennon and Stefan Pejic were fantastic with great comic timing and skilled portrayal of multiple characters, which broke the forth wall in all the right ways with the talented team and effective set. Sincerely one of the funniest plays I've ever seen Thank you.”

All in all, 'The Invisible Man' is, as they say, ‘A must-see’.

For a free downloadable preview script, click here

The Invisible Man production at Jack Studio, London

Four and five star reviews for The Invisible Man! 

Here's a selection of reviews from the Jack Studio production in London:

The Invisible Man is a gem… this wonderful story is chock-full of fifteen characters – excluding the titular Invisible Man – all brilliantly realised by a super-creative and multi-talented company of three actors undoubtedly putting the force into tour de force! This is a master class in extended acting and characterisation… a smart, tirelessly inventive telling of this enduring tale. ★★★★★ The Review Chap

With a cast of three playing 15 parts, there are a lot of quick changes, but each character becomes easily recognisable thanks to Martin Robinson’s costume design and the actors’ skill under Kate Bannister’s expert direction. The set and sound design (Karl Swinyard and Philip Matejtschuk) add to the magic…The cast are tremendous…They work together brilliantly, and the energy never drops in this fast-paced production. Witty, irreverent and charming, this Invisible Man is a must see. ★★★★ Fairy Powered Productions

all three actors are a delight – watching Matthew Parker shift from winking barmaid to saintly vicar to lascivious old sea salt is a joy; Shaun Chambers’ sequence playing two police constables and a chief constable in different hats in short order ditto; and Scott Oswald’s shift from respectable GP to shiftless tramp is a little masterclass in subtle body-language and accent shifting. The Jack’s been building for a few years now an alternative Christmas tradition of reworked classic stories (Baskervilles and Wolves of Willoughby Chase, for example), and long may they continue if it’s as much fun as this. ★★★★ London Pub Theatres

Director Kate Bannister takes so many risks but it all works seamlessly and hilariously – hand on heart, I don’t think I’ve laughed this much in a theatre all year… Bannister fits a huge story into the play and manages the balance between music hall fun and trace elements of the original more serious intent. Webb also deserves much credit for bringing out comic flavours that don’t detract from the adventure. The three actors work superbly as a team and tackle so much variety… They all pass with flying colours. The perfect Christmas fare from the Jack Theatre directed and played at speed by an energised trio-troop who fill out every part with comic conviction. ★★★★ ithankyou Theatre

this is a really fun-filled and highly amusing telling of The Invisible Man which in the opinion of both my companion and myself, made for an enjoyable non-traditional visit to the theatre over the Christmas period ★★★★ London Theatre 1

A trio of versatile actors and brisk and inventive direction make this a splendid Christmas treat… Webb has come up with a funny, and under Kate Bannister’s adept direction, fast moving show with some nicely defined characters for the cast to play…They could not be bettered. Add a neat set by Karl Swinyard and you have all the ingredients for a plum pudding seasonal treat. ★★★★ Reviewsgate

vividly and seamlessly brought to life… For some people, a panto at Christmas is the one thing, while for others, more ‘serious’ fare is preferred. The Invisible Man manages to tap into the best of both worlds, bringing seasonal mirth to a tale about the darker side of human nature.★★★★ Breaking the Fourth Wall

We’ve come to expect great things from the Brockley Jack team, and once again this production does not disappoint. Already a compelling story, this adaptation keeps us entertained and enthralled with its slapstick humour and just the right amount of playful audience engagement, but never detracts from the story’s more solemn themes. A thoroughly enjoyable alternative to the more traditional Christmas fare – get your hands on a ticket if you can. Theatre Things UK

a pure joy to watch, and allows for some festive escapism. Southwark News

Nominated for BEST COSTUME DESIGN Off West End Awards.

For a free downloadable preview script, click here